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Lejn il-leadership

Il-pajjiż għaddej minn perjodu ta’ bidla li storikament qatt ma rajna bħalha f’ pajjiż li dejjem ftaħar bir-rati għoljin ta nies li jmorru jivvutaw. Kulma jmur mill-aħħar elezzjoni l’hawn is-surveys qed juru li n-nies imxebba mil- politika tas-soltu, mir-retorika u miż-zewġ partiti stabiliti. Hemm numru konsistenti ta’ nies li għarfu li dawn iż-zewġ partit ma…

Out of stock

Prompted by many relatives of cancer patients who contacted me worried about the lack of chemo for various types of cancers I went on a research to see what is actually going on worldwide. Me being me I don’t trust the sweeping statement its’ a worldwide thing so off I go to investigate.What I found…

Biker Safety

We all know how roads have become an authentic death trap. Some have it worse than others when it comes to safety. Bikers are one of them. With the recent death of another biker the never ending debate about the safety of our crash barriers has to crop up.With the Minister Aaron Farrugia guaranteeing that…

The rape of Sta Lucia

Although historically Saint Lucy fought for her own virginity our maltese equivalent is having a hard time to remain pristine as it is being attacked by the greed of developers with the citizens being left in a battlefield like scenario ( see photos) One way to hell – a two way road with a speed…

Love is Labour Lost

Many of us have been there or have seen it happening in front of their own eyes: you have a partner who you nurse through some sort of journey to recovery or change because too broken to take as is hoping they might change for you because yes you are you. So you try and…

On this episode of I’m rich you’re poor

Today in class I had this student drawing the logo of the Jordan’s on pieces of paper and sticking them with tape on his unbranded runners. As a teacher I see poverty and neglect on a daily basis. Underage children left on their own for long hours, hungry children and children who are growing up…